Again, sorry readers, I did not update my blog these few days as I am too lazy and tired. Yesterday, I went to school, I was late again. Haix. I have even a got my right eye swollen. But I still persist to got to school as there are many subjects that their N levels have not past. So, I went to school. Everything went quite well till maths period. Teacher suddenly say maths test. I was shock. Nobody told me, even yesterday I ask my friend got any happening in school today? He only tell me what they do work never tell me maths test. After maths teacher say got maths test, I ask my friend, the same one, got maths test why you never tell me?? He say he forgotten. Haix, lucky it is just a test and paper 1. Then after maths period, it is chemistry. It is just half an hour. Then after 15 minutes of lesson, my teacher call me and say my name. She told me that my swollen eyes can spread to other classmates so if tommorow means today, the condition still persist, please don't come. So, that night I told myself, if I wake up early I go to school, if wake up late, I don't go. Today morning, I woke up at 5.40am. But I still continue to sleep as I am too tired. So I did not go to school today. When I woke up, my eyes still abit swollen. But I think it will be ok by tommorow. O ya, one more thing, when I have swollen eyes or sore eyes, there are two similar conditions happened to me. It is when I have this two sickness and I go to school, people will think that their exams are coming and I am going to school to harm them, spread to them. But this kind of thinking have never ever cross my mind. Why people think that way??? I don't understand. I think thats all I am going to say. BB!
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