Ok...today I super rush de loh...I woke up at 7 am, reply Ping sms when she sent me at 6 am and I went toilet do small business and sleep awhile...mother say she call me at 7.30 am ma...then later I wake up...lols...8.40 am...so I call YP and ask her help me log in Heu Campus...then later Nicole answer the phone after Yp talk to me awhile...then I tell her password loh...then I chiong!! 9.15 am I reach school le...lols..heng teacher haven't mark attendance...neither was my com log in...haha...I know not you all de fault la...XD...long story...shall not post it here...whahaaS!! Then after that submit work loh...
Then lesson end 20 minutes earlier...later the girls say they want go Koufu eat, then the 3 guys say they want print homework...I also want print so I went with them...who knows...I go there liao...realise the work is not in my thumbdrive!! I also no bring laptop...Then later we end up in North Canteen...cause Koufu is full...and I was the last one to buy the food...Queue so long...I also last one to finish loh...I was at my above average speed...lols...the thing hot ma...no chioce...O ya...I bought Yong Tau Foo...they got mixed up cause too mnay people...in the end I got extra piece of seaweed chicken...lols!!
Then Effective wrting...I don't knwo why...his lesson like make me sleepy ones...lols!! Then later is lesson ended 10 minutes early again...Then I reach home...bath...do housework...3.45 pm...slack till 4 pm...study Effective writing till 5.30 pm...do work...till 9 pm...lols...then eat dinner and watch TV...continue do till 10.49 pm...hahas! Then now blogging! Soon it be Hwee Leng's Birthday! Wahahas!! HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY HWEE LENG!!! Ya...thats about all...hahaS! BB!
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