Hahas! Yesterday no post...like this few days busying with project...sianz...hmm, woke up at 9 am yesterday...receive a call from Helen...9.25 am, then later I prepare and I reached 10.40 am...then later do project till 5 pm go home..see house like got thief enter...sibei sianz....so MESSY...worse..sister watching Alvin ad Chipmunks on computer...
After that effective writing...go through some of the report...sian siahs....then later Micro de presentation...disspointing...when Q and A, teacher ask questions and like blur blur no answers...I also don't know how?? LOl...anyway...is over...but...i think I did badly for this ICA...haix...EXAM CHIONG!! Hahas! Anyway...over le...then go home...bath...and then eat...then father fetch again...to squash, just now go back also he fetch...
After that squash till 9 pm...then go home...then housework again...then talk with Sx...then now going sleep le bahs...hahas! BB!!
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