Talk about Saturday first bah. Well, woke up at 8 am, then prepare 9.30...then went to church and reached at 10 am...after that go for lesson study...they haven't start when I go there...they just there singing songs..then after that go church...but when sermon cames...WE the three brothers never go again...haix...hope next week we go...wahahahas!! Then afternoon after lunch slack in a room for 1 hour till 2 plus...went to orchard with jon and tim cause jon want to cut hair...From 2.50 pm he started cutting...1 hour later...3.50 pm then done!! 1 hour $25 so ex rite?? LOLS....he ask me cut I say no want arh...$25 can let me cut 1 year the hair and still got left...l0ls! I see the hair like no difference lehs...hahas...Then he go but clothes...and we accompany him loh...I never money...-.-. O ya, we even buy the chicken cutlet (Jon treat us as we requested the shirin one cause he cut hair let us wait so long) at shirin and the shop beside it...both got its own pros and cons bah...can't decide which is better.
Later meet Theresa at Orchard ION and walk walk...the hings there so ex de can? We saw one art...$21,000...lols...and the toilet is so luxury....then the shop names there so funny...hahas!! Lo-ci-tang--(Scre Driver in hokkien) BEBE...(BABE)....lols..Max&co (Sound like Mexico to me) Haha...imagination run wild~~~Then I accompany they eat KFC and we went and sleep!!
Today sunday I woke up at 12 pm....then lay hp game till 1 pm...then do homework from 1 pm to 4 pm...from 1 pm to 2 pm is just read notes...then 2 pm to 3 pm plus is do the work...then play games and continue to 4 pm...Then eat lunch till 5...slack till 6 pm plus and watch the national day de thing loh....8 plus pm...finish....we say the national day funny!!...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE...AND HAPPY NATIONAL DAY TO ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE!! Hahas...then see television...and eat dinner...then bath....the timing...not very sure?? Now 12 plus liao loh...ok till here...signing off....SAI-YO-NA-RA
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