Hahas...what happened on friday....let me think...O ya, on friday, there is accounts tutorial and I was not late...hahas...then went for microecons the lecture...rivision lecture one...after that...me, Eddy, Hong Ming and Sok Wai went to AMK hub...hahas...we went there walk and eat lunch at sumo house....I think is some where behind Jubilee there...very cheap loh...and nice services...there is even free flow of green tea..then I order the $2.90 one...cheapest...lols...Hong Ming also mas....Eddy order the $5.90 and Sok Wai order the $4.90 one. Then we ate half way still got people serving us one plate of teriyaki chicken..they say students come here eat got this for free...LOLS...isn't it better then school...even we add the bus fare...I still think it is cheaper...even it is more expensive..u see the surroundings...totally different...hahas...worth it a try...hahas..! O ya...then we went to play arcade...play street fighter...tennis...and air hockey...which was quite sad...I was like very good at it one...some how...lose my skills and lose to Hong Ming...don't know why...he improved? LOLS...haix...
Then saturday after pathfinder went home...pack...and went to my aunt's house...never went to grandma house cause they also went to my aunt's house to see the New Born baby...so cute...lols...My Aunt is my grandma younger sister daughter...Then we ate alot...I ate untill my stomach like moon...hahas...hope can maintain my weight >.<...Then I ate one plate of fried Bee Hoon, one and half piece (One Thigh or Rib and half Drum) of KFC chicken cause my cousin can't eat finish the half...Then I use computer till night and went home and sleep...lols...never study... Sunday...the day where I started revision...hahas!! Whole day studying...want to siao liao...then Monday went for econs revision 2...ended on 11.30 pm...went to print shop...want to print shop...jj want print something..we want to get revision questions answers for stats and accounts...then Wan Hong want print my econs the tutorial...then about 12 pm...all done and we went to Kou Fu eat...and about 1 pm we are done and we talk and slack till 1.30 pm? Then we went home and I reached about 2? Sianz....I do house work till 2.30 pm? Us come till 3 pm...then bath till 3.10 pm? Then use com till 4 pm? Dunno want to study what...slack here and there...then 5 pm Sok Wai call me and we talk...then we decided to conference and called Yan Ping...she say 5 minutes later then called me back...then Sok Wai say she want go toilet....so hang off...then Yan Ping called...and we waited for Sok Wai till I called her and she say she just wanted to call me and we hang off again and then she called me and we stated conferenceing...LOLS...*breathless* One hour plus which is about 7 pm liao...I also don't know why...lols...then we were discussing whether we should go for tomorrow meeting the accounts Tutor...Sok Wai and Yan Ping decided to go...hahas...I haven't....O ya...did not study...sianz...Micro or POM first?
Now decided...woke up in then morning...hahas...about 7.30 am? then went back sleep till 9.30am? Then now like posting...Ok bah...since yesterday did not study...now I shall go and study...One more thing...after Holiday, I want go out with with secondary school friends cause we rarely meet ma...hahas and Poly friends and church friends too...hahas!!! BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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