Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday le...

LOL...woke up at 5.30 am today siahs...sleep at 3.30 am...2 hours only then go back home...6.30 am reach..then rbing sister to school...and then go back...7.40 am le...and then preapre and go to school...8.50 am place one hour...lols...then do data entry after break...hmm...before data entry Miss Nod...say we been exposed as Mystery funny...then say what we ate during calls...zz...

Then later we request teacher...go break at 1 pm...but she say today can..but long-term cannot...hahas! Discourage to do so...hmmm...then later break, SW come find me...then we go North Canteen...lols...then she eat Yong Tau Foo...lols...she is sick...hope she can be heal faster...we making each other sick...lols...I pass her...I ok le she pass back...hahas! LOL~~

Hmm....then IDA told me buy bread and Pau for her but both also no stock...hmm...then later SW go she need do things...hahas! Then do data entry and Subah go at 3.30 pm...then Meera and me go at 5.30 pm...lols...she still finish first....wa lao...ask her pass me a file...she no want...then off diao com...lols...then later go home...Do some housework...and then bath...Think that is all for today le~~B~~ (Today a lot people late)

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